Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Which programs to use

There are plenty of programs, these are just some examples. 
Google Chrome  - link 

  • fast 
  • consumes little memory 
  • many tabs at once 
  • simple
  • intuitive 
  • each tab operate independantly 


  • incompatibilities due to its newness 
  • hard to get used to 

Firefox - link

  • extensions 
  • plugs-ins 
  • friendly with 2rules of the Web"languages 
  • multiplatform 

  • consumes lots of memory
  • performance instability 
  • security flaws 

Internet Explorer - link

  • widespread, all work with it 
  • integrated with windows 
  • security holes 
  • poor management 
  • slow release cycle reviews

Personal Opinion 

I personally use firefox, even though it is true that google chrome is faster. However, I got used to firefox and if firfox is not working I use Safari. 

E-mail Comparation

 Gmail , windows live hotmail and yahoo mail are three of the most popular free online e-mail providers
 The three services offer very similar features , but yahoo mail is the only vendor that offers free unlimited storage space . Gmail offers little more than 7 GB and windows live hotmail 5 gigs .

Moreover gmail is the only email service whose account does not expire after a certain period of inactivity . windows live hotmail expires 270 days and yahoo mail 120 days, a time which is not bad but obviously requires more to be confused with eye to walk if they have any accounts you do not use a lot and do not want to lose.

the trio agrees to provide virus scanner , access the same options , ads and messages limit . many users , on the other hand , are tilted by a provider or another depending on the interface and to provide extra features . For gmail in the lab where we have a lot of extra features that can help us to manage our time email appear . windows live hotmail offers a nice customizable interface with the addition of being able to create a profile or a space as a social network.

The three companies will offer a number of very large storage space , hotmail allows you conection to an xbox live , while that allows you access to yahoo answers yahoo , g mail you makes a big difference with youtube and blogger, yahoo but hotmail and also offer you videos and blog service .

Personal Opinion E-mail

My peronal preference on the email is gmail. It has never failed me and it has a great storage capacity! 

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