Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tips for podcasts Fan Summary

Tips for Podcast Fans

Discovering Podcasts 

This is  screen shot of my own iTunes search

Here you have a link to a begginers guide I found useful:

For our tecnology assignment of this week we had to read and do a summary on this webpage:

Find a free podcast. 

iTunes has lots of free podcasts, you only have to find them. Firts of all you have to go to the iTunes Store on the search bar at the right insert podcast an automatically iTunes store will take you to thos that are free. 

Both of this screenschot are from my own computer.
 Hope the might help you!

Search podcasts by popularity.

If you want to see those podcasts recomended by the iTunes people you can go to the podcast page and see which ones are the most popular or search for the  topic  you want directly. 

See what tops the podcast charts.

To see which are the top podcast charts you go to the podcast page on the iTunes Store. And on the rights side of the page you can see a label where it says "Top Episodes". You can also choose whether you you want to see video podcast, sound podcasts or all of them in an upper bar in your screen. Here is a screen-shot to help you see what I am talking about:

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Podcasts II: U iTunes and Juanma Ortega

How do I download a podcast? 

First of all, you should know that podcasts as for their great demand are very easy to access them. If you use RSS , podcasts can be downloaded directly into you computer, ipod touch, ipad or any other electronic device you use. And the great thing about RSS (Really Simple Syndication, a  format XML to share a content in the web.It is used to pass actualized information frequently to users who are subscribed to such contents) is that once you've been submitted you'll get the podcast immediatly into your computer once it is released.

The most common and popular program to download podcasts is iTunes as it is the easiest, safetest on to use. As for its prize, podcasts are quite cheap because they are like magazines articles therefore they do not have a great cost. 

Juanma Ortega: 

Born in Barcelona in 1966, he is one of the most popular podcaster of Spain. He receives hundreds of visiits daily and due to his popularity he now works for Cadena Ser  one of the most imporatan radio stations of Spain.  

Here is the link to his own blog: 

And you can download some podcasts here: 

 U iTunes: 

Before podcasts, students and researchers all over the world only had books and websites as a source to get information. But thanks to this revolutianry tecnology nowadays we do not have to attend so many lectures because whe have them at our reach everywhere and can listen to them several times! 
And this is only thanks to iTunes who has created iTunes-U an app where you can download all of these podcasts for free! 

My Subscription

As part of this week assignment we had to subscribe to a podcast. I decided to susbscribe to Oceanos de Cienca, as I am thinking in studying Marine Biology in Spain next year