Nowadays podcasts are one of the most popular way to ellude ourself. This is why they are on great demand!
But what is a podcast? That is what we must ask ourselfs.
The defenition of podcast:
audio files (in mp3 format or mp4) which are distributed vía RSS. The listener can listen to them anytime because you can download them into you computer or other device.
This is the key to the popularity of podcast.Everyone can listen to them if they have an acces to internet and a device to download it.
Where does the term come from?
On contrary to popular belief Apple did not create the word of "podcast" (even though wikipedia says so.) it is actually the mix of the words: public on demand and cast. However, it is true that Apple made it popular.
Podcasts are spoken magazines issues were you recieve them if you subscribe to them. There are podcasts on every subject!! For example you can download a podcast on sailing with boats or about some math theory. They are a recording that someone uploaded to the internet. One of the great things about this "electronic magazines" is that most of them are free!
How do you listen to a podcast?
You can listen in lots of different programss like Odeo, Doppler or iTunes. You just have to look for them!