Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tips for podcasts Fan Summary

Tips for Podcast Fans

Discovering Podcasts 

This is  screen shot of my own iTunes search

Here you have a link to a begginers guide I found useful:

For our tecnology assignment of this week we had to read and do a summary on this webpage:

Find a free podcast. 

iTunes has lots of free podcasts, you only have to find them. Firts of all you have to go to the iTunes Store on the search bar at the right insert podcast an automatically iTunes store will take you to thos that are free. 

Both of this screenschot are from my own computer.
 Hope the might help you!

Search podcasts by popularity.

If you want to see those podcasts recomended by the iTunes people you can go to the podcast page and see which ones are the most popular or search for the  topic  you want directly. 

See what tops the podcast charts.

To see which are the top podcast charts you go to the podcast page on the iTunes Store. And on the rights side of the page you can see a label where it says "Top Episodes". You can also choose whether you you want to see video podcast, sound podcasts or all of them in an upper bar in your screen. Here is a screen-shot to help you see what I am talking about:

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Podcasts II: U iTunes and Juanma Ortega

How do I download a podcast? 

First of all, you should know that podcasts as for their great demand are very easy to access them. If you use RSS , podcasts can be downloaded directly into you computer, ipod touch, ipad or any other electronic device you use. And the great thing about RSS (Really Simple Syndication, a  format XML to share a content in the web.It is used to pass actualized information frequently to users who are subscribed to such contents) is that once you've been submitted you'll get the podcast immediatly into your computer once it is released.

The most common and popular program to download podcasts is iTunes as it is the easiest, safetest on to use. As for its prize, podcasts are quite cheap because they are like magazines articles therefore they do not have a great cost. 

Juanma Ortega: 

Born in Barcelona in 1966, he is one of the most popular podcaster of Spain. He receives hundreds of visiits daily and due to his popularity he now works for Cadena Ser  one of the most imporatan radio stations of Spain.  

Here is the link to his own blog: 

And you can download some podcasts here: 

 U iTunes: 

Before podcasts, students and researchers all over the world only had books and websites as a source to get information. But thanks to this revolutianry tecnology nowadays we do not have to attend so many lectures because whe have them at our reach everywhere and can listen to them several times! 
And this is only thanks to iTunes who has created iTunes-U an app where you can download all of these podcasts for free! 

My Subscription

As part of this week assignment we had to subscribe to a podcast. I decided to susbscribe to Oceanos de Cienca, as I am thinking in studying Marine Biology in Spain next year 

Monday, November 25, 2013


Nowadays podcasts are one of the most popular way to ellude ourself. This is why they are on great demand! 

But what is a podcast? That is what we must ask ourselfs. 

The defenition of podcast: 
audio files (in mp3 format or mp4) which are distributed vía RSS. The listener can listen to them anytime because you can download them into you computer or other device.  
This is the key to the popularity of podcast.Everyone can listen to them if they have an acces to internet and a device to download it. 

Where does the term come from? 
On contrary to popular belief Apple did not create the word of "podcast" (even though wikipedia says so.) it is actually the mix of the words: public on demand and cast. However, it is true that Apple made it popular. 

What is so special about podcasts? 

Podcasts are spoken magazines issues were you recieve them if you subscribe to them. There are podcasts on every subject!! For example you can download a podcast on sailing with boats or about some math theory. They are a recording that someone uploaded to the internet. One of the great things about this "electronic magazines" is that most of them are free! 

How do you listen to a podcast? 
You can listen in lots of different programss like Odeo, Doppler or iTunes. You just have to look for them! 

Here is a link to rtve where you can download podcasts on the spot!!! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Accounjt Request Extra Credit

Spain Big Brother? 

Recently in the news, especiañly in the DailyMail had revelead how many countries requested big social network for information on people's account. Apple decided  to list  governments that request the most personal information about its customers - and the U.S. UK and Spain top the list. 

This is not the first time this type of news are released. Google and Facebook did this some months ago too.  From January to June there were almost 3,000 requests from 31 countries. Requests related to data about the owners of lost and stolen phones.They also included requests for data about vulnerable or missing people.Apple only granted requests which it considered to be valid
This is an image released by the DailyMail (

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mavericks OS X and iCloud

This new operative system that Mac has recently launched has breaken the records on downloads!!!

It comes with several new apps and prestetions that are easy to use. It also has a new tecnology where your computer works as fast as always but consuming less energy.

With OS X Mavericks a new chapter on iBooks history has been started. Now you can download directly into your iPad, iPod etc.. and they woul apear immediatle as iBooks.

The application on maps has also been improved in such way that it blows your mind!!!!

With the new graphics it is imposible to get lost:

Photo of the new Maps

Apart from this two, the new software also has a news iCloud installed! More or less like a new key string where you save all of your passwords, scripts etc.. Now you have everything saved up in the cloud  therefore you can access everything you want, whenerver you want, wherever you want! It evens suggestets them to you

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How To Do A Movie: Step By Step 

Before you start you must know...

start story fast!
attention holder
loads of imagination
any experiences
big challenge: convert an idea

Step 1:
Do an outline

begging/ ending

 Write the script 
Loads of drafts till you have the final one!

Step 3:
story board 
how is it going to look
draw the images
shot from different places

Step 4: 
set up the movie
make up and other props
Not spending any money

Step 5:


a lot of communication

make sure everything is all right

Step 6:

the producer in front of the screen

good material

use the program you have

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This summer I spent six weeks in University of California Santa Barbara taking a pre-college course. After having a great time there studying Biology of Cancer and surfing and going to the beach with my friends I went to Marbella. In Marbella I had a lovely time as well. I have plenty of friends there and had many fun nights. I can't wait to get back!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


     Videoconferencing is getting more popular by the minute. Nowadays people do not have to travel to do business because you can call anyone for free or very little money using this new way of communication. You must have heard of Skype, this is the most common program and the one most people use. Nevertheless video conferening doesn't have to be about business there are other programs that allow you to speak with different people from everywhere. For example, Chatroullet.

 Chatroulette is an online chat website that pairs strangers from around the world together for webcam-based conversations. Visitors to the website begin an online chat (text, audio, and video) with another visitor who is chosen at random. At any point, either user may leave the current chat by initiating another random connection  

Google Plus Hangouts is also really popular.You can make group calls where you can sen phtos andmessages when they are not online. You can also have special effects in your call and it is compatible with every type of computer. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Google + is the new social network made by GOOGLE!

It has lots of features. You can send pics to all of your friends and have a video cal with up to 10 people at once.  You can choose whose updates you see and who you’d like to share yours with. You can broadcast to everyone or keep it private. You can also join public communities around shared interests, or create private communities to get together with just the right people and these are just a few of the features it offers you. 
In my oponion, I believe that Google+ is a great social network, even though I personally don't use it, just by researching a bit I discovered how this social netwokr has all of Youtube, Facebook and Twitter combined. You can keep in touch with your friends, upload videas and photos and also be in contact with people you don't know but share things in common. 

I will give it  a 100!!!!!!!!!

Description of diferent social networks

Lore: The new Facebook
 Lore is looking to change how teachers and students communicate. Lore wants to be a mixture of Edmodo, Blackboard, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Lore is a teacher-centric site for you to build a communication around a course. Only teachers could offer invitations to their students before, but now they re-designed letting the students send invitations.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Social Networks Facebook VS Tuenti

Social Networks: Twitter/Facebook/Tuenti

I use several networks like Twitter, Tuenti and Facebook and even though I like all of them I think that Twitter is my favorite because you post whatever you want and you have more privacy than in facebook and Tuenti because you don't uplaod so many photos. 

Even though Twitter is really interesting between Facebook and Tuenti I'll choose Facebook because there are more people on it. Not only Facebook is worl wide but it has much more gadgets in it. Like maps where you can say where you have been and several other thuings. 

I believe that once you start using social networks you should star with tuenti because it is safer than facebook and ewasir to use, therefore, you shouldn't have any problem with it. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013


How to edit a photo on GIMP step by step:

Change the size of an image:
  1. Firts of all click on the image
  2. Go to Image
  3. Scale image options
  4. choose the size you need the photo to be in. 

 Crop an Image:
  1. Go to the toolbar
  2. transform tools
  3. tools
  4. Crop& resize
  5. Choose what you want to crop
  6. Save
 How to change to a RGB format (assignment 2)

Change to RGB format.
  1. Firts of all click on the image
  2. Go to Image
  3. Go to Mode
  4.  Choose the format you want. (RGB)

Friday, March 1, 2013


GIMP:  is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo editing and image composition  It works on many operating systems and in many languages.
This is a screenshot of how the program is designed.

If you want to download it here is the link to the official downloading webpage. 

A feature I really like about this is how you can share and help with other users of GIMP making it a nice sociable network to work with.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


My Blackberry Camara Specifications: 
  • 2 MP, 
  • 1600x1200 pixels, 
  • video QVGA

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mi Camara

Capture momentos

Cámara y vídeo

Curve 3G Specs
  • Cámara of 2,0 MP
  • Fixed Focus
  • Video Film 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

New York Trip

Day 1:Travel
  • 7:45am get an airplane to Brrussels -) Get another plane Brussels-NY, arrive at the JFK, at 12:00pm NY time. 
  • 1:30pm leave your lugagge at your hotel and get some lunch near the hotel 
  • 3:00pm have a walk through the city and get an idea of how the city "works"
  • 7:00pm early supper and then head back to the hotel 

Day 2: Musuems

  • 10:00am everyone redy in the hotel's reception 
  • Get the subway to MOMA's 
  • Lunch near that area 
  • At the afternoon visit the Metropolitan 
  •  2 free hours 
  • Visit Times Square at night and have some supper there
  • Walk back to the hotel 

Day 3: South
  • Walk all the way to Wall Street through the Soho 
  • Have some hotdogs for lunch 
  • Visit the Ellis Island with the ferry 
  • Walk back to the hotel 
  • All the class eats dinner together 
Day 4: Shopping / Baseball
central park
  • Free morning to get your shopping done
  • at 1:30pm everyone meets in Central Park and have a picnic there 
  •  at 4:00pm go to a baseball match 
  • return to the hotel 
  • 8:00 go see a musical
  • Dinner 
Day 5: Travel
  • Do a final mini tour of the city 
  • have a quick lunch 
  • head to the airport
  • arrive in Bilbao at 9:30pm